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Subject librarians
Each librarian works within assigned subject areas to provide research support and instruction for specific fields of study.
To find the subject librarian for your discipline, view the bios below or visit the .

Gwenda Bryan, Librarian
Alan Batey Library & Learning Commons |250-370-3610 |Bio
Subject areas and specializations
- Environmental Technology
- Geography
- Math & Statistics
- Sciences (Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Geoscience, Physics)
- Integrated Library System andDatabase Administrator
- Open Resources, Resource Discovery & Access and Technical Services Advisor

Ally Flynn, Librarian, Librarian Chair
Liz Ashton Campus Centre |250-370-4633| Bio
Subject areas and specializations
- Communications (Digital Communication, Digital Production, Graphic Novels)
- English
- Serials & Databases

Robbyn Lanning, Librarian
Alan Batey Library & Learning Commons |250-370-3501 | Bio
Subject areas and specializations
- Anthropology
- Gender Studies
- Humanities (Asia Pacific, Global Studies, History, Philosophy, Religion)
- Indigenous Studies
- Music
- Visual Arts
- Web Librarian
- Indigenization & Reconciliation
- Marketing & Outreach

Will Meredith, Librarian
Liz Ashton Campus Centre | Bio |
Subject areas and specializations
- Adventure Education
- Business*
- Sport Management
- Technology**
- Trades (all program areas)
*Includes: Accounting, Applied Business Technology, Economics, Human Resources, Marketing, Public Administration, Tourism and Hospitality
** Includes Computer Science, Engineering (Civil, Computing mechanical)

Vruti Patel, Librarian
Alan Batey Library & Learning Commons/Liz Ashton Campus Centre | Bio
Subject areas and specializations
- English Language Development
- Access, including: BEST, College Prep, Community Learning Partners
- Languages (Chinese, Korean, Japanese, French, Spanish)
- Interlibrary Loans

Rebekah Prette, Librarian
Alan Batey Library & Learning Commons/Liz Ashton Campus Centre| Bio |
Subject areas and specializations
- Athletic & Exercise Therapy
- Certified Medical Laboratory Assistant
- Health Care Assistant
- Kinesiology
- Medical Radiology & Sonography
- Massage Therapy
- Nursing and Allied Health

Patsy Scott, Librarian
Alan Batey Library & Learning Commons| Bio
Subject areas and specializations
- Health and Human Services (Community, Family and Child Studies, Dental Hygiene and Dental Assisting, Early Learning and Care, Educational Assistant and Community Support, Mental Health and Addictions)
- Criminal Justice
- Political Science
- Psychology
- Sociology
- Academic Integrity
- Acquisitions Librarian
- Media (all program areas)

Research classes
鶹ýӳ instructors can request library research classes for courses they are teaching.